Wednesday, January 19, 2011

In which Rachel remembers she has a blog... yet again

The old title of "While You Were Out" still applies, but I actually say, well type, note to self quite often. And as blogs should really be for yourself and not others (unless you're internet famous it seems), "Note to Self:" seems to fit better.

When last we left our hero...heroine... whatever

It was freaking 2005?! (I wish I knew the unicode for interobang) Yes, 2005 and a few weeks before PAX. Ahhh the days when half my life didn't revolve around PAX. In the time since it has. Depending on the time of year it ranges from half PAX, half life to about a 1/4 PAX, 1/4 work and 1/2 school. Yes! I finally started school. It's kind of kicking my ass, but that's because I let it mostly. Also in those years between the last post and this... let's see. TJ and I split, Matt and I got and split (about 6 months ago. You should be really glad that I didn't bother to rekindle this blog then), I became an area manager for PAX (HH represent! someone has to) and that whole school thing.

What else? Xandre is nearly done with college. Caio is studying in Japan. Kaije is becoming a firefighter. Nick is back in school and helped open a game shop. Victor graduated from Penn State. Nathaniel is always in school it seems and keeps adding new hats to his life. All 3 kidlets are school age now! Dad moved to Reno for work (boo hiss). Mom is still married to Max and still sick and only sort of in remission. Nona and I actually hang out sometimes. Insert other family stuff as well.

So yeah. In 2006 I moved back to Seattle, got a job working at Kits Camera in the mall and worked on getting myself an apartment. Being an adult is crazy times. I worked there for about 2 years and then got fired for a really asinine reason. I got depressed, got cheated on, and then finally got a job at the movie theater that was about to open while working on starting school. Since then we've (Matt and I) moved from the apartment to a house with 3 other people and I'm still at the theater. Sidenote: finding room mates can be hard! Even when you know them! Right now in the house it's me, Matt, Mateo and Jen, and Lyta. (she replaced Jaiden when he moved out)

Oh! And I've been a red-head for about 6 months and like it a bunch. Sometimes I miss being blonde but you sure as hell don't blend in as much as a redhead. Enough people think it's my natural coloring too, which is nice. Originally, I was just going to do it for the summer. To be honest, it was sort of a mourning dye job. Rather that than shaving my head sort of thing. But uhhh yeah, short and red. Good times.

Current goings on: We have people over waaaaaay too often lately. It was agreed that we wouldn't have anything more than once a month. The last few months have been at least 2-3 shindigs per. I'm tired of the clean up and the constant house guests and having to be the bitch that makes everyone leave at 2am because she works weekends. This quarter I'm taking ASL 2, Physics and Intro to Singing. Physics is already kicking my butt and Singing seems to be a lot more work than 2 credits worth. ASL is still fun because Billy is a great teacher and most of my classmates are cool. I'm also doing work study at Northgate Elementary as a teacher's aid basically. I work in a 1st/2nd grade room with about 20 kids. So far it's pretty great, even when they challenge my last bit of sanity.

These days I use YouTube as my radio and have started subscribing to channels even. I kind of use them as daily pick-me-ups. I also finally gave in to Twitter and Facebook. I know, I know. I said NOWAI!!!111oneeleventy for a loooooong time. But I am continually remind in life to "never say never".

I can't tell at a glance whether or not I ever did backlog my LJ posts here. Do I actually care? Not sure. If I know myself at all, I'll probably forget because it's not important and leave this to dust for months on end again.

Good talk... *hugs it out*
- Scoots

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